Our mission


Accelerate the development of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in France

France has an important role to play in the elimination of carbon, with a solid industrial base in strategic sectors, world-class engineers, fundamental research capabilities, low-carbon energy resources and a growing ecosystem of start-ups. AFEN aims to capitalize on France's economic and innovative strengths, to move it towards a carbon-neutral future and position it as a leader in climate action. 

The scientific imperative of CO2 elimination

AFEN is based first and foremost on a scientific consensus: the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stresses that to limit global warming to well below 2°C, a rapid and drastic reduction in emissions is crucial. But this will have to be complemented by the removal of between 4 and 16 billion tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere each year, in order to achieve carbon neutrality. 


3 pillars of action

Raising awareness, structuring, mobilizing: our key actions for a sustainable future

Raise awareness among various stakeholders to actively engage in EDC in the public and private sectors, while ensuring public acceptance.

The diversity of our membership demonstrates that there is already a united front in this crucial mission. Many EDC players and experts took part in the effort to create the association, with the ambition of materializing for France the local share of an industry with a potential exceeding a trillion dollars worldwide.

Structuring the emerging carbon dioxide abatement sector in France: events, networking, shared learning, research, etc.

The nascent carbon dioxide abatement sector in France is characterized by an effervescence of activities and opportunities: from significant events that bring together the most innovative minds, to the development of a solid network of committed professionals, researchers and institutions. This dynamic fosters a shared learning environment, where knowledge and best practices are freely exchanged, stimulating innovation and research. In addition, the exploration of new scientific avenues, support for pilot projects, and cross-sector collaboration are all key elements contributing to the expansion and maturation of this field in France, promising a significant impact on decarbonization efforts and the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.

Mobilize the public sector through targeted advocacy to adopt programs favorable to EDC development in France and Europe.

Our mission extends to actively influencing and encouraging public authorities to integrate EDC into national strategies, and to adopt mechanisms favorable to the deployment and scaling-up of technologies.  

Carbon offsetting initiatives

Working together for a positive environmental impact

France has a significant role to play in carbon removal, with a robust industrial base in strategic sectors, world-class engineers, fundamental research capabilities, carbon-free energy resources, and a growing start-up ecosystem. We aim to foster the development of this sector in France and beyond.

Resources & events

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An opportunity to seize now

The time has come for global action: the United States has already put in place a number of mechanisms to support the industry through funding programs, tax incentives and public procurement schemes, and Germany recently included EDC in its national climate strategy. The launch of AFEN is an invitation to urgent collective action, aimed at capitalizing on France's economic and innovative strengths, to move it towards a carbon-neutral future and position it as a leader in climate action.